• Embers Bushcraft

    Education Packages


  • Embers Bushcraft

    Education Packages


  • Embers Bushcraft

    Education Packages


  • Embers Bushcraft

    Education Packages


  •  Embers Bushcraft

    Education Packages

Embers Education Packages

School residential camps

Specialising in delivering residential opportunities for schools, Embers Education offers activity-based camps that provide the full camp experience for all year groups at competitive costs. Embers Education is able to remove logistical limitations by providing packages that incorporate the complete organisation of venue, catering, activity, staff and management. Ultimately, all students and staff will be engaged in positive and creative activities from sunrise through to bedtime.

The key factor is that both school staff and students are able to take part in shared experiences that not only supports the social and emotional development of each student but will also assist in supporting educational outcomes for schools. We also see that by offering a shared experience for staff and students there is a natural platform for positive peer and staff relationships to develop that will support the classroom and school environment beyond the camp experience.

All camps stay true to the Embers ethos and offer activities to suit all age groups and duration and are designed to each schools’ needs and budgets. Residential programmes can run for 2 to 5 days and with further consultation we are able to provide developmental camps over year groups. 

All schools are different and needs will, therefore, be specific. Embers Bushcraft aims to achieve specific and bespoke camp experiences that provides each school with a unique developmental journey for staff and students that will be personal and memorable for every one that attends.

‘I’ve had a really wonderful time. The way the whole camp has been run, organised and put together has made ‘working’ here with the staff and students fantastic. One of the best things i’ve been on in 20 years’  Barbara, Head of Year

‘So very well organised. Active and very engaging. Great bonds with students and brilliant time myself’  Rexie, Teacher

Student Leadership programmes

Working with local schools Embers Bushcraft is able to provide days or residential experiences that focus on discovering and nurturing the leadership potential and qualities of young people. Focusing on specific skills such as:

  •  Positive communication
  •  Engaging in and managing positive peer relationships
  •  Problem solving and resolution
  •  Self-awareness and understanding
  •  Theoretical and practical tasks and discussion
  •  Session planning and delivery
  •  Self-management and organisation
  •  Motivational approaches
  •  Individual and group risk management

We are able to provide a platform for the development of leadership qualities in identified young people, giving them the opportunity to work on their own potential and excel at every level. With access to these skills, students can enhance their future trajectories into further education, training an employment

‘I can face my fears if I put my mind to it. I’ve beaten so many of my fears just by thinking about it. It has been fun, scary and challenging. Just enjoyable, the perfect balance’ Olivia, Student 12 years old

Local Authority Schemes of Work

Working across local authorities Embers Education specialises in delivering schemes of work that operate in partnership with a variety of vulnerable client groups giving them the opportunity to access outdoor experiences and provide exciting and innovative learning opportunities that may otherwise be unavailable to them. Working specifically with cared after children or those at risk of entering the care system, young offenders, post-adoption and charities that support these groups, Embers are able to provide unique programmes of engagement, either as a whole or in support of other initiatives.

These particular client groups can present a variety of challenges that can make engagement and retainment difficult. Embers Bushcraft specialises specifically in working with a wide range of challenging client groups and has a proven track record in delivering life-changing and impactful schemes of work that actively engage, support and develop young people and adults through intense activity programmes.  With a strong ethos and desire for positive change, we are able to deliver engagement of the highest standard that not only works on delivering education to hard to reach groups but ultimately provides a platform that works on the individual’s social and emotional development throughout. Working specifically on behaviours, attitudes and perceptions we are able to provide a catalyst for change. By supporting the individual with a high ratio and dedicated staff plus flexible and dynamic activity programmes we are able to underpin our programmes and focus heavily on developing positive relationships that may otherwise be absent from their lives.

With high pressure on society as a whole, dedicated work to these specific hard to reach groups is paramount in achieving change, not only to the participant but also to a society in general. Every young person and adult deserves the opportunity to access skill sets and experiences that can support or inspire dreams and aspirations of the future. Only by delivering programmes that are primed at supporting these groups can we ever hope to make those changes. In developing schemes of work that actively encourage longevity, investment and healthy relationships, we hope to establish trust, resilience and commitment in those we work with.

‘If i trust people they will learn to trust me’ Jess, 13 years old

‘I can do anything, I’m normally not a confident person but I think i have shown myself that I can do anything’ Sophie, 12 years old

Woodland Trainer

Designed especially for teachers and practitioners working in mainstream and special schools, the Woodland Trainer offers teachers and teaching assistants the opportunity to gain a foundational understanding of the woodland camp craft. The course will be delivered with a combination of theoretical and practical understanding and will enable professionals to take back basic woodland skills into their own specific working environment and adapt them where necessary for the benefit of their students.

With the current high emphasis on alternative and outdoor education, this course gives professionals an opportunity to build upon a variety of woodland skills that can effectively increase the social and emotional development of their students by introducing them to potentially therapeutic, creative and hands-on activities within a woodland environment.

Whether working in mainstream or special education the Woodland Trainer opens up opportunities in developing alternative and highly motivating methods of engagement that focus purely on the development of students and their specific needs away from the classroom.

‘Once again, thank you. I and Leroy had a great day. Keep up the great work! On our way home we came up with a 6-week programme’  Jie Elverson, Special School Teacher

Activity day programmes

Designed for a wide range of organisations, Ember’s Education activity days will be specific to your group. With a variety of bushcraft, team building and communication tasks, we will design a day that will provide a fun day out AND an educational experience.

These days are invaluable to schools and their students as they provide a unique respite from the classroom yet sit in line with outdoor learning. By underpinning the day with team and confidence building these days become multi-faceted in their approach and offer more than just an activity day.

‘Thank you. Just to say the kids had an amazing time. They did the quiz on their return and they haven’t stopped talking about it’  Jo, Teacher. Purbrook Junior School

Educational and vocational programmes

If you are looking at running vocational programmes within the school as alternative engagement or to complement curriculum then our specific 6-week term programmes may be what you are looking for. Each course is specific in it’s design and incorporates broad learning on each subject. With a balance of theory and practical skills, each course will introduce your students to a variety of skills and learning that will lay a foundation in understanding the outdoors and how we can live, support and thrive within it.

  • Bushcraft foundation skills
  • Backcountry cooking
  • Natural history
  • Craft course

Ask us about how we may be able to support your students learning with valuable and inspiring courses.

We are bringing bushcraft to you!

Embers Education recognises the barriers to participation for schools, community groups and local authorities whether it is transport, staff or general logistical issues. We can bring the experience to you by providing the necessary resources to run from your own venue. We believe that by working in partnership to reduce these barriers we can provide opportunities that may be practical and financially supportive of various groups. We believe in inclusion and need to work towards making the subject of bushcraft and its educational outcomes more accessible for ‘hard to reach client groups and organisations.