Health and Safety Policy

The appointed Health and Safety officer is: The lead instructor

Embers Bushcraft adheres to the health and safety at work act 1974 in promoting the health, safety and welfare of all those involved in the services. As a result, all activities provided by Embers Bushcraft will be undertaken in such a way that reduces or controls any foreseeable risks to anyone who may be affected by the activities. As stated in the health and safety at work act 1974 the aim of this policy is to reduce risk as far as is ‘reasonably practicable’ whilst providing an environment that is supportive and challenging to the service users.

We will achieve this by:

  • Ensuring that anyone who may be affected by our activities is not exposed to health and safety risks.
  • Carrying out suitable assessments of the health and safety risks to which staff, volunteers and any other persons affected by our activities may be exposed to and minimise those risks as far as is reasonably practicable.
  • Establishing clear organisational and procedural arrangements to effectively carry out our duties.
  • Providing a safe working environment for staff and volunteers.
  • Providing equipment that is maintained in a safe condition at all times.
  • Establishing emergency procedures for actions to be taken in the event of fire, incidents, accidents, dangerous occurrences and illness.
  • Ensuring the safe storage, handling and labelling of any hazardous materials and equipment.
  • Providing relevant information, advice, training, instruction and supervision.
  • Consulting with staff and volunteers on health and safety matters.
  • Implementing appropriate procedures for the effective monitoring and review of this policy, our organisational arrangements and our health and safety procedures.
  • Using accident/incident reports to inform changes to policies and risk assessments
  • Maintaining health and safety records.
  • Encouraging a positive attitude to health and safety and ensuring that all staff lead by example, promoting safe practice, maintaining high levels of health and safety throughout their working day. Regular real-time assessments will be carried out and any unsafe equipment or recognized hazards will be removed and reported to the lead instructor.
  • Providing appropriate hygiene facilities to prevent the spread of infection.

First aid Policy

The designated first aid officer will be displayed on site.

A designated first aider is a person who holds a current first aid certificate issued after successful completion of an approved first aid course.

Embers Bushcraft is committed to ensuring that any person requiring first aid will have reasonable access to first aid assistance should an injury or illness occur.
First-aid assistance is provided by trained first aiders, where possible. First aid risks are regularly assessed, identified and managed. Staff will be made aware of any specific medical needs of any service users to enable a speedy and appropriate first aid response.

Embers will ensure:

  • First aid facilities provided are adequate for the immediate treatment of injuries and illnesses that may arise on site 
  • First aid kits supplied comprise items in accordance with NSW WorkCover guidelines. First aid kits are maintained by the designated First Aid Officer. Emergency telephone numbers are clearly marked on each first aid kit. 
  • While on duty all staff have a duty of care to themselves and others to provide first aid assistance to the level of their competence, and to call on expert assistance if necessary. 
  • The designated First Aid Officer is informed of the need for first aid, and will respond immediately if available. 
  • Emergency medical care and/or an ambulance is to be called if required. 
  • Staff trained in first aid provide first aid assistance if there is no designated First Aid Officer present and emergency medical care and/or an ambulance has not yet arrived. 

Recording of first aid incidents

If an incident/accident occurs causing an injury requiring first aid, the accident, injury and treatment provided should be recorded on an accident/incident/medical form. When completing the form staff should ensure the following:

  1. The name of the person involved along with the date and time of the incident is clearly displayed
  2. At the top of the form the staff member should circle the appropriate ‘word’ to indicate if it is an ‘accident’, ‘incident’, ‘medical’ issue.
  3. Ensure the name of the staff member is clearly displayed
  4. Ensure site location of the accident/incident is reported
  5. A short and to the point description of the incident is clearly recorded and readable by others
  6. The treatment provided is clear and appropriate to the injury
  7. The staff member has signed the form
  8. The staff member has sought a signature from another staff member who has witnessed the first aid being administered
  9. The staff member should state if the accident/incident was witnessed by a staff member
  10. If another child is involved, they should not be identified on the form (a separate form should be completed for each child involved)
  11. If deliberate harm is caused by a child it should be treated as an ‘incident’ form for both children involved
  12. The injury should be recorded on the body map on the back of the form
  13. If necessary contact the parent to inform them of the injury (always give a courtesy call to the parents for any bump to the head or face)
  14. Record any contact made with the parent

Sick Child Policy

When children are unwell they should be kept at home. Although there is always a dedicated first aider on-site, there are no qualified medical personnel, and facilities for looking after sick children are very limited.

If your child has had a sickness or diarrhoea, it is important that you allow a period of at least 48 hours after the sickness or diarrhoea has finished before they attend an Embers session. This is to help prevent the spread of infection to others attending the sessions.

If a child is taken ill during a session with Embers Bushcraft, staff will support and reassure the child. The child’s parents will be contacted and asked to collect their child. It is important that Embers Bushcraft has up to date contact details and that sick children are collected promptly

Embers Bushcraft commits to following any government guidance regarding COVID 19 and respectfully asks that all participants are up to date with current guidance.

Medication policy

Where possible, all medication should be administered before or after attendance at Embers Bushcraft. If a child is unwell and needs pain relief or medication to relieve a fever they should not attend Embers Bushcraft activities. However, we accept that for some young people this may not be possible as they require regular medication or emergency medication such as inhalers and Epi pens. If a young person requires medication during their time with Embers Bushcraft, the following applies:

  • All medication should be clearly labeled and handed to a member of staff
  • Parents should complete a medication consent form clearly outlining the dosage and when the medication should be given
  • The medication should be stored out of reach from the group, although inhalers should be accessible to the young person requiring them
  • All staff should be informed of any young person who may need emergency medication such as inhalers/Epi pens and how to access the mediation
  • In the case of Epi pens, an individual health care plan should be completed detailing the instructions given to the family from their health care provider (all staff will be made aware of this document)
  • When medication is administered, staff will record the details and sign the medication form each time a dose is given (Where possible another staff member should witness and also sign the medication form)
  • Parents will sign the medication form at the end of the day to acknowledge that they are aware of when the medication was last administered

Sun safety

Parents are responsible for applying sun cream prior to dropping their children off. They MUST also provide a sun hat and water bottle which can be refilled throughout the day. Staff should avoid activities involving extended periods in the sun during the hours of 11 am and 3 pm.

13. Food hygiene

Whilst Summer camp will require participants to bring their own food for the duration of the camp there will be times that Embers will deliver activity that involves food preparation and camp cooking. Therefore, all staff will hold appropriate food hygiene training and adhere to good practices. In such cases where food is prepped or cooked by staff or participants, strict guidance must be followed to ensure food safety at all times.

This process will require:

  • Frequent hand washing 
  • Clean surfaces and equipment before, during and after activity
  • Protective clothing (i.e gloves) where appropriate
  • Safe food storage at all times

During these activities, Covid guidelines will apply at all times ensuring that participants only eat food that is prepared and cooked by the individual. (See camp cooking and food hygiene risk assessment 1.1.1) 

Reviewed by Rachel Gosling January 2022 (Next Review Date January 2023)